Haymarket Affair Digital Collection

Illinois vs. August Spies et al. trial transcript no. 1
Testimony of Eugene Seeger (third appearance) and Introduction of Evidence, 1886 July 29.

Volume K, 627-634, 8 p.
Seeger, Eugene.

Direct examination by Mr. Furthmann. Testified on behalf of the Prosecution, People of the State of Illinois. People's Exhibits 33 (vol.K 629), 35 (vol.K 629), 36 (vol.K 630), 37 (vol.K 630), 38 (vol.K 630), 39 (vol.K 631), 40 (vol.K 631), 41 (vol.K 631), 42 (vol.K 632), 43 (vol.K 632), 44 (vol.K 632), 45 (vol.K 633), 46 (vol.K 633), 47 (vol.K 633), 48 (vol.K 634) introduced into evidence.

Translated Arbeiter-Zeitung articles. Testified on various topics (page numbers provide a partial guide): anarchists and/or anarchism K626, the Anarchist K620, People's Exhibit 32 (vol.K 620), discussion of legal procedure (vol.K 627), Spies, August (vol.K 627), Schwab, Michael (vol.K 627), People's Exhibit 33 (vol.K 629), People's Exhibit 35 (vol.K 629).

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[Image, Volume K, Page 627]


recalled by the people, testified as follows:

MR. FURTHMAN: Look at this paper. What is the date of that?

A That is the Ardeiter Zeitung of April 30th.

Q I now call your attention to an article in the local editorial column, of Friday April 30th. Please thanslate that. What column is it in?

A It is in the first column of the first page.

Defendants' counse objected to the matter on the same ground as to the other printed matter.

THE COURT: Do you say that translations have been read once?

MR. GRINELL: Not in this that we have just called his attention to, but translations have been read to others,.

MR SALOMON: Without renewing our objection at every time, we simply enter a formal objection and wish it to stand against all these translations.

MR GRINELL: What we will do now is to identify the manuscript with the article that appears in the Arbeiter Zeitung. The article that is in the Arbeiter Zeitung has already been ready to the jury, and witnesses have already been on the stand who identified this manuscript as the hand- writing of Spies and Schwab. The original article appearing in the newspaper has been translated and read to the jury. Now the witness is to compare the manuscript with the article in the newspaper.

[Image, Volume K, Page 628]

MR. FOSTER: Has not he already made the comparison?


THE WITNESS: I have done that before.

THE COURT: The translation form the neswpaper has been read.

MR GRINELL: The translation.

THE COURT: And the handwriting of the manuscript has been identified as the hand- writing of Spies and Schwab.


THE COURT: Whether the printed matter in the neswpaper and written matter in the manuscript is the same or not, is the thing which you are now going to draw from his testimony.


THE COURT How is that. Have you compared the mnauscript?

A I have compared the mnauscript-- this is not altogether complete-- there are some pages lacking; but this is a manuscript as far as it goes of an article in the Arbeiter Zeitung of May 4th, headed "Blood"-- about twenty-five pages of manuscript, lacking about four probably.

Mr FURTHMAN: What is the number of that exhibit as it appears there upon the margin of the paper?

A I marked it No 5, for my own convenience here. It is identified by the defendants, I see.

MR. FURTHMAN: It is date of May 4th 1886. It is the same one as we read.

MR. FOSTER: In order that the jury may understand--- that is Mr. Schwab's article.

[Image, Volume K, Page 629]

MR. FURTHMAN: No sir. it is Spies.

Mr. Walker counsel for the people, read in evidence an article entitled "Seat of War" from the alarm of December, 13th 1884, in the words and figures following, to wit:

Objected to, objection overruled and exception,

(Here insert)

(Same marked People's Ex. 33, contained in volume here to attached).

Mr. Walker counsel for people, introduced and read in evidence article headed "Force" from the alarm of January 13th 1885. Article signed "C.S.G.", in the words and figures following to wit:

Objected to, objection overruled and exception.

(Here insert)

Same marked Ex. 34 contained in volume hereto attached.

Mr. Walker, counsel for people, read in evidence article headed "Wage workers" from the alarm of January 24th 1885, in the words and figures following, to wit;

Objected to, objection overruled and exception

(Here insert)

Same marked Ex. 35 contained in volume here to attached.

[Image, Volume K, Page 630]

MR. BLACK: Can you tell us whether that is the same meeting of which some of the witnesses testified?

MR INGHAM: It speaks for itself.

Mr. Walker counsel for the people, read in evidence editorial notice in the Alarm of February 7th, 1885, notice on the inside page, in the words and figures following to wit:

"Hereafter the articles in the Alarm will be signed by the initials of the author".

Same marked People's exhibit 36, contained in volume here to attached

Mr. Walker counsel for people, introduced and read in evidence article headed "The war cry", in the words and figures following to wit:

Objected to, objection overruled and exception,

(Here insert)

Same marked people's Ex. 37 contained in volume hereto attached.

Mr. Walker ocounsel for people, read in evidence editorial headed "The dynamite terror", signed "P" from the Alarm dated February 21st 1885, in words and figure following, to wit:

Objected to objetion overruled and exception

(Here insert)

Same marked people's Ex 38 contained in volume of exhibits here to attached.

[Image, Volume K, Page 631]

Mr. Walker counsel for people, read in evidence from the same paper article headed "Dynamite" signed "T. Lizius." in the words and figures following, to wit:

Objected to, Objection overruled and exception.

(Here insert)

Same marked people's Ex. 39 conrtained in volume here to attached.

Mr. Walker counsel for people, read in evidence article headed "Our agitators", signed "P", from the Alarm of March 7th 1885, in the words and figures following, to wit:

Objected to Objection overruled and exception.

Same marked people's Ex 40 contained in volume here to attached.

(Here insert)

Mr. Walker, counsel for people, read in evidence article on last page of Alarm, dated March 21st 1885, headed "How to make dynamite", in the words and figures following to wit:

Objected to objection overr led and exception.

Same marked people's Ex. 41 contained in volume here to attached.

(Here insert)

Mr. Walker counsel for people read in evidence editorial headed

[Image, Volume K, Page 632]

"Assassination", signed "G". from the Alarm of April 18th 1885, in the words and figutes following, to wit::

Objected to objection overuled and exception

Same marked people's Ex 42 contained in volume here to attached.

(Here insert)

Mr. Walker: The article headed "Explosives" is the same as trans lated in Most's book. It is an extract from the Freiheit, but it is the same as the article in Herr Most's book. It has already been read. We want to offer it and to read the note at the bottom of the article.

Same marked people's Ex. 43 contained in volume here to attached.

Mr. Salomon: It goes in subject to the same objection, and exception.

MR WALKER: (Reading) ("To be continued). Note; in our next "issue we will give a description of dynamite. bombs gun cotton, fulminate of silver and mercury".

On May 2nd there is an article on the third page on the same thing, on bombs, from the same source, introduce in evidence on behalf of people marked people's Ex. 44, contained in volume here to attached.

THE COURT: The matter has already been put in. Do you wish

[Image, Volume K, Page 633]

to show that it is in that paper as well?

MR WALKER: Yes substantially the same.

Mr. Walker, counsel for people, read in evidence article headed "Dynamite." in the Alarm of June 27th 1885, in the words and figures following to wit:

Objected to objection overruled and exception.

(Here insert)

Same marked People's Ex. 45 contained in volume here to attached.

Mr. Walker counsel for people's read in evidence article headed "war with all means" from the Alarm of May 30th 1885 in the words and the figures following to wit:

Objected to objection overruled and exception.

(Here insert)

Same marked people's Ex. 46 contained in volume of exhibits here to attached

MR. INGHAM: We will read the note under the above article. "There are two knids of this fluid, one spelled -etc.

Objected to objection overruled and exception.

(Here insert)

See people's Ex 46.

Mr. Walker counsel for people, read in evidence article headed "Explosives" from the alarm of June 13th, 1885 in the words and figures following to wit:

[Image, Volume K, Page 634]

Objected to obxection overruled and exception

(Here insert)

Same marked people's Ex 47 contained in volume of exhibits hereto attached.

Mr. Walker counsel for people read in evidence artile headed "Street fighting. How to meet the enemy. Some valuable hints for the revolutionary soldier. What an officer of the United States army has to say", from the Alarm of July 25th 1885 in the words and figures following to wit:

Objected to objection overuled and exception.

(Here insert)

Same marked people's Ex. 48 contained in volume of exhibits here to attached.

A Juryman: Do you know who writes it?

Mr. Walker: I don't know who writes it.

THE COURT: This professes to be copied from the San Francisco Truth, and the party that writes it says he is an army officer It is signed "R.S.S."

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