Haymarket Affair Digital Collection

Illinois vs. August Spies et al. trial evidence book. People's Exhibit 106.
Arbeiter-Zeitung (Newspaper) article, "Editorial," 1885 Feb. 23

1 p.
Introduced into evidence during testimony of E. F. L. Gauss (Vol. K p. 721-732), 1886 July 31.
Transcript of translation of article.

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[Image, People's Exhibit 106]


Monday, Feb.23, 1885.


"Thicker and thicker the clouds gather around the political and social horizon of the world, more and more the darkness increases. Without laying claim to the reputation of a prophet one can say with certainty that this cannot end without a mighty storm, bringing terror and blessing, destruction and freedom. Discontention or hatred of all the corrupt and rotten that is existing, grows and prospers everywhere. The struggle between the parties is tapering, the diplomatic machinations of the so-called Statesmen have reached their culminating point.

The already approaching revolution promises to be much grander and more terrible than that at the close of the last century, which only broke out in one country. The common revolution will be general, for it makes itself already felt everywhere and generally; it will demand more sacrifices, for the number of those over whom we have to sit in judgment is now much greater than that of the last century."

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