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The "Infernal Machines" entry in the "Bomb-Talking" section of Act I includes photographs taken at the time of several of the bomb exhibits introduced at the trial itself. It is possible that one of those bombs is also the one pictured here. The Chicago Historical Society's records indicate that this bomb was given to jury member J. H. Brayton by Captain Michael Schaack after the trial.

This record appears to be substantiated by the fact that CHS also owns a letter on Chicago Police stationery from Captain Michael Schaack to Brayton, dated December 10, 1887, that reads, "Enclosed I send you one of the Lingg Round Lead Bombs." Click on the second of the smaller images to see this letter. The execution of four of the Haymarket accused—George Engel, Adolph Fischer, Albert Parsons, and August Spies—took place on November 11, 1887; Louis Lingg committed suicide in his cell the day before.

Putting aside the question of whether Lingg, who certainly did manufacture bombs like this, fashioned this particular bomb, and by what authority a senior police officer gave such evidence to a former juror, this is the type of molded lead amalgam bomb thrown in the Haymarket. The two hemispheres would be filled with dynamite (which resembled oily sawdust) and then bolted together. The large hole on the top of the bomb is for this bolt, and the smaller hole on the side is for the insertion of the fuse and the blasting cap. With a diameter of three inches, the bomb is slightly bigger than a baseball. The two hemispheres are about three-quarters-of-an-inch thick, and, loaded with dynamite. It probably weighed between four and five pounds.

Two fragments of what is supposedly the bomb actually used in the Haymarket are in the collections of the Beinecke Library at Yale University. They are part of a large group of artifacts, books, and other documents that once belonged to Julius Grinnell, the State's Attorney who prosecuted the Haymarket case.